Zion United Methodist Church

Triangle Tube Staff

Project Details

When  in Myerstown, Pennsylvania was looking for a more modern heating system to bring new life to the building, they reached out to Dan of  to come up with a plan. He had the task of finding the church a system that would support the influx of visitors while services were in session.


Zion United Methodist wanted to update the current heating system before a potential boiler failure. The church had the original boiler from the early 1970s and decided to look for a replacement to install to reduce heating costs and be more energy efficient. Instead of being without heat until a contractor could take on the replacement, they decided to be proactive. 


Dan suggested Triangle Tube  boilers in a  to support the church's needs. He wanted to find a system that was cost-efficient, easy to install and maintain, and could handle the load of the building.


Dan chose to install the  for three reasons. First, efficiency.  have a 95% efficiency rating which allows for cost-effectiveness when the boiler is not in use- making heating bills more affordable. Second, the ease of installation. Dan stated “The pre-made mounting bracket made this a very clean and easy install. Customer support has been very good with any questions and concerns we have had.” Lastly, Convenience. Dan liked knowing that if there were ever any issues with the system, the church would be able to operate on two boilers until maintenance could be performed.

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